The United Service Corps Story

Serve to Give. Serve to Grow

United Service Corps (USC) is first and foremost a service/volunteer organization. We strive to inspire a servant spirit in our communities and to serve each person we come in contact with through or organization. We look for serving opportunities big and small with our community service projects. We also organize volunteer trips abroad for students in high school and college.

We like to say serve to give, serve to grow, because we find that when you volunteer or serve others you end up being the one that benefits from the experience growing as a person and growing in love for humanity.

We are a 501c3 nonprofit charity run by a volunteer board of amazing women, contributing their time and resources to make USC a reality.

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Jesus gave us a new commandment: to love one another and I believe the way we can show love is through serving others. We are presented with opportunities to serve each other everyday if we are looking for them. It is my hope that at USC we can serve people and the planet through acts of service big and small, showing our love to the world. ♥

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