The Giving Corps
View our current Giving Corps projects or become a GC supporter.
The mission of United Service Corps is to show God’s love by serving the people of Erie and our planet. Our mission statement is very broad, but we made it that way on purpose. We want to be fluid enough to fill any need that comes our way in our community. Our goal is to support existing charities and churches as well as individuals who are in crisis. We are passionate about LOVING people by giving and serving.
We are a 501c3 non profit organization.
“A new commandment I give unto you: love one another” JOHN 13:34
United Service Corps is now recruiting volunteers to help do laundry for families in the Erie community once a quarter during free laundry days at The Launderie Room on State Street.
View our current Giving Corps projects or become a GC supporter.
See our upcoming summer service trips for high school and college aged students.
If you have a need, please tell us your story and our team will try to help!
Call 814-580-0485
Address: 2808 State Street. Suite 100. Erie, PA 16508