Baby Love – Summer ’15 Giving Corps Project
The Giving Corps completed our first project last week. Earlier this summer we called up Family Services of Northwest PA to see if they had any moms who needed help. Two area teens were pregnant and due in the fall. So United Service Corps “adopted” them.
The two first time moms, still in high school, and overwhelmed with the enormity of providing for their little ones, needed pretty much everything. So our Giving Corps went to work.
We used our network of mommy friends and online mommy groups to get donations and to get the baby gear necessities for them. Everyone came through! I had an entire office full of boxes of baby clothes, swings, strollers, car seats, bouncers, bjorns, blankets, and on and on. I mean, you name it and we got it for them.
We also raised enough money to give each mom a $100 Target gift card to buy diapers and bought some brand new baby clothes for the baby boy and baby girl.
One of the mom’s wrote us a sweet thank you letter, that had me ugly crying after the first sentence. She said it was like Christmas and she was so anxious about taking care of her baby and providing for him.
That’s what the Giving Corps is all about. We all have burdens that we carry each day. Some have bigger ones than others and I think it’s up to those of us, who have a little bit lighter loads, to help carry the ones that need it.
People talk about finding their purpose and searching for the purpose of life. I think it’s simple and I don’t think you have to look for it. I believe we were all put here on this earth to help each other.